1989 Strato Boat Wiring Diagram

It includes information for stratos models before and after 1992.
1989 strato boat wiring diagram. Created and built with the spirit of fishing competition in mind stratos boats features the dedicated hull designing expertise of alan stinson. Stratos wiring diagrams for 1989 bass tracker pro 17 wiring diagram by admin through the thousands of images online with regards to 1989 bass tracker pro 17 wiring diagram we choices the best collections having best resolution just for you and this pictures is usually among images libraries in our finest images gallery concerning 1989 bass tracker pro 17 wiring diagram. I nee to know how the old switch is wired. I would love to have the one for the console wiring if you have that i still have a few questions about how some of that stuff works especially the diodes that keep the two pumps from running at the same time mine are bad and i have no idea how to get new ones.
Is there any way to get a wiring diagram for a 1986 stratos bass boat switches pumps and all. I have a 1989 stratos bass boat and the key switch needs replacing. Offering small bass boats for serious fishing the presence of ski and fish watercraft is also part of the stratos boat. Here is the stratos function wire color stripe reference chart.
Thats great wayne i had stratos send me the one for the view but since you cant get parts for it anymore i removed it from the boat. One of our readers christian emailed us two more wiring diagrams to share on the site. 1989 stratos boats values specs and prices select a 1989 stratos boats model. Thanks for sharing christian.